
Lost and Found


05-31-2016, 06:33 AM
gonna need a spark to ignite
The brute then spoke, reassuring the fox before him that no harm would come to her if she did not attack first, and the idea made her laugh. "Por supuesto no," she said to herself, almost sarcastically. She, very cautiously, sat back on her haunches and looked at the brute. "Why should I trust you?" she asked, the latin accent still left in her words even as she spoke English to the man. "I would have no reason to be attacking you; to do so would be foolish," Mireya added. "But you, bestia, could have many reasons to attack me. You could eat me, or simply slaughter me for sport."

Those words came from a deep place within her and therefore came with a bit of venom on her tongue. Slaughtered for sport, like her tribe and family had been. Would it not be the perfect irony for her to escape, and only now, years later, be killed in the exact same way? The cries of pain were still fresh in her head. Would she cry out in the same way if this seemingly docile brute decided to turn hostile against her?