
Lost and Found


05-31-2016, 07:03 AM
gonna need a spark to ignite
Her concern apparently made the man laugh, which both surprised and irritated her. He had heard her mention slaughter, had he not? Why was that something to laugh about? Her little hackles pricked a bit but she tried to keep her own temper in check. For now she had to try and believe that this brute really had nothing against her. His words sounded sincere enough, and Mireya was pretty good at telling if someone was lying to her. She hated lies. "Fair enough," she said, flicking her fluffy tail so that it curled around her legs where she sat. "And for the record, bestia, I am not angry with you. I am angry with wolves as a whole. They are the reason I've had to spend the last couple of years alone, with no family or friends to speak of," she explained, not caring if the man knew her story. It was hers to tell, and maybe putting it out there would take the weight of it off her shoulders.

She sighed a bit and looked longingly over the silhouette of the man and through the entrance of the cave. She wished to leave some time soon. Far be it from her to insult the brute, as she had already subtly done. Mireya just really did not like to spend time around wolves. It made her feel on edge. But she faked a bit of a smile as the brute in front of her introduced himself. "Mucho gusto," she said a bit flatly, seeing as the man understood the basics of her native language. "My name is Mireya."