
Ohana, Augustus, Ohana



06-14-2013, 05:42 PM

She could see her words sinking into the boy's head, going from curled in a ball whining, to getting up and bounded towards her and burying his face into the fur of her neck. Loccian just stood there for a few moments, unsure of what she should do or say. Her ears perked up though when he spoke. D-Do you know where my father is? If you're his sister and my Auntie you should know right? And do you know where my mother is? Or if I have any other family that will love me?

Her heart nearly jumped into her throat. How would she tell him that his father was died? That he had missed him by a few weeks. She couldn't, didn't want to break his little heart. If it had hurt her so much that she vanished for two weeks, and she was his sister, raised by his side. How would he feel? How would he react when he was Octavian's son, and never even met his father, only heard stories, some good and some that were lies? She didn't want him to have to go through the pain, to isolate himself and cause even more pain to himself.

He even asked about his mother, Thane's sister, the one her brother abandoned her for. She felt some pain and anger for her, but she couldn't really bring herself to be angry about it. She had captured her brother's heart. Loccian shouldn't hold a grudge when she made him happy. She could not tell him where she was though. She didn't know anything about the woman, so she had no idea what was going on to cause her to abandon her child. She did have an idea why though from what Augustus had said, he had grown sick. Perhaps his mother thought he was dead at some point and left. She couldn't be too sure.

Other family was brought up too. This she could for sure answer, Thae was very alive, in Valhalla and he has a wife and children. The male before her had an uncle, another aunt, and even cousins.

Finally he pulled away, able to see her facial expression. What she wore was a mixture of worry, relief and uncertainty. Storm grey eyes were focused on him, mind working, trying to think of the write words to say. Augustus spoke up once more, asking her to please tell him, that he needed to know where his father was.

Loccian took a deep breath, turning her head to the side, gaze falling tot he ground. Legs folded beneath her, sitting back on her haunches and curling her bushy tail over her paws. Slowly she turned her head to face him, gaze growing soft as she looked into the eyes of the child. The eyes of Octavian. You have more family, north west of these lands, in a large pack known as Valhalla. You have an uncle there, your mother's brother, Thane. He has a family, a wife, three children. Her voice was a bit shaky, wondering if he would end up wanting to go to Valhalla since he had more family there. Why would he stay here with her? His father's sister, the father he never even met.

Paws shifted, growing nervous, ears laying back on her head. She didn't want to bring up his father, didn't want to dump the news onto him that Octavian was dead. She did not want to see the pain form in his eyes right there. Your mother... I'm not sure why she left you hun. You said you were sick when she left. I'm guessing she thought you had passed, so she left. I know one thing for sure, she did love you. She wouldn't have left you for no reason. She was purposely leaving out the question of his father, hoping he won't ask, even though she knew he definitely would.

i talk.
i think.
you talk."

Awesome table by Lu <3