
Once again, I say amen



4 Years
Dire wolf
05-31-2016, 11:58 AM

She mentioned stories from her family, and his ears perked forward. He peeked at her from the corner of his eyes, interest sparkling in their bi-coloured glance. "We should share stories of our families one time, Miss Irie. I am very intrigued to hear of another family as rich in culture as my own," he said in his rich baritone. He wasn't used to sharing tales of his pack, but with this dame he longed to do so. To tell her about their gods and their believes. He was unsure how she would feel about some of it, a lot of the wolves native to these lands didn't seem to follow his ideals. A flash of concern knotted his belly, would she reject him when she heard of what his family did to white pups? She had light coloured markings, but not enough that they would have been required to kill her. It was something that he firmly followed, and would see through on his own pups as well. Hopefully he would be able to find a suitable home for them here before that would ever happen.

He snapped out of his inner thoughts when the dame spoke, saying that she missed her family. He frowned, pulling his body upwards and tapping his chin on the top of his head. He didn't do emotions too well sometimes, but he wished to comfort her. "I know the pain well, Miss Irie. It feels as if my family and pack is on a whole other world, one I can no longer reach. I cannot return with my task undone, for I would lose all credibility to them," His ears pinned back, he was sure that they would remove him from his position and strip him of all respect that he had worked hard to achieve. They trusted him with the ob of finding a new home, and it wasn't a simple walk in a park. It had already been nearly a year since he had been here, and yet nothing was good enough. Would anything here be good enough for the Gøran's? They were a proud tribe, the simple things simply would not do. Irie mentioned failing to stick to family tradition, causing his lips to curl back. To do so would be the loss of your life back home, if the court deemed it so. He bit his tongue on bringing it up though, instead drawing back in surprise as she jerked suddenly. Blinking at her in surprise, he just chuckled and shook his head. "You may speak freely with me, I will not condemn you because of what you say," He rather liked his woman, and it was nice to have a friend in this strange land.

The lady turned to the fossil below them, and he welcomed the distraction. When she suggested a horse, he hummed thoughtfully. The shape of the jaw was too wide for a horse, their faces were long and narrow. This jaw bone had a lot of a wider bite, one that told him that this was no simple grazer. The tip of the bone came to a narrow point, instead of ending in a shallow curve. She seemed to take it back when she touched them, making him laugh softly. "Perhaps a type of large reptile? Look at the shape of the jaw, and the flat teeth for crunching and chewing. This suggests small prey, perhaps with hard shells that needed to be cracked?" He offered, shrugging his massive shoulders and shifting the roses around them. Irie then told him that he was indeed not boring her, and he let out a sigh of relief. Good, he would hate to be the source of her unhappiness. She stated she was indeed interested, so he got up and looked for another bone for them to guess at. The dry land hit his paws with a solid thud, and he picked his way carefully through the scattered fossils. There were some that were very sharp, and he would hate to step on one and cut his paw.

The giant came to pause by a very large bone, standing way taller than himself. There was only a part of a skull attached to two large horns that protruded near the base of the nose. He blinked, his head tilting to the side. Looking over his shoulder for his companion, he pointed his nose at the bone before him. There were a few teeth, but most sockets were empty. "What about this one, Miss Irie? Prey or predator?"

"Talk" "You" Think