
Sometimes All It Takes is a Spark



5 Years
Extra large
05-31-2016, 12:45 PM

Seraphim did not notice that he had company until the piercing shriek of a raptor of some sort broke him from his thoughts. He looked up, trying to find its silhouette amongst the searing light of the sun, but quickly gave up. He like his eye sight. Blindness would simply not suit him. Instead, the slate-hued behemoth looked around him, attempting to figure out what had caused the creature so much alarm. In the end he found a grey male skulking about in the grass below. To his surprise the stranger was almost as big as he was. Was this another one of his father's children, perhaps? Phim considered it for a moment before deciding that he almost certainly would have been told about another litter and besides, this one looked almost as old as he was.

"The view is better from up here," he called out, not wanting to approach and startle the stranger. These used to be his father's lands, there had never been strangers here before. Seraphim stifled a sad sigh, rushing his thoughts along so that he did not return to dwelling on everything he had missed. "They're quite impressive creatures, aren't they? Even more intimidating to pups, I can assure you." He and his siblings had learned that lesson rather quickly. He had yet to see bison in other regions, and wondered for a moment if this colorless male had ever seen them before today. He might have said more, but he didn't want to insult the stranger by underestimating his intelligence. Instead, Phim fell back into familiar silence.

"Talk" "You" Think

Phim's family members are always allowed in his threads, whether specified or not!