
When spring comes



7 Years
Athena I

05-31-2016, 02:59 PM

She waited for a while and just when her impatience was about to drive her to her paws to go look for her brother, she saw his fire red form come into view. Suddenly a she felt her nerves all collect in the pit of her stomach and she wondered if she would even be able to get the words out of her mouth. She tried her best to hide her anxiety as he sat across from her and grinned at her, but she knew she had never been good at hiding her emotions. She opened her mouth to speak a couple of times, but nothing came out. "I want to leave," she finally burst out, the words tumbling out in a rush before she could clamp her mouth shut again.

Her ears fell back against her skull and her expression begged him to understand while she hurried to explain herself. "I mean, not forever. But... for a while. I just... I need to go see things and learn things. Kavdaya is a great source of information, I'm not saying she's not, but my whole life I've been in this corner of this whole huge land mass. The farthest I've been is slightly into the East and there's so many herbs I've heard about and never actually seen and I've felt like I couldn't leave whatever area we were living in without some kind of disapproval or punishment for years even though-" She stopped herself, panting lightly from making herself out of breath from the sudden rush of words. It felt like everything that she had been bottling up for so long got poured into one moment and it made her thin shoulders tremble.

"I'm sorry," she said softly, her two-toned blue eyes falling to the ground. "I didn't mean to be like that, I just..." She cleared her throat and gave her head a shake before she lifted her gaze back to his face again, afraid of what expression she might see there. "I don't want to go until spring starts. I don't want to leave all of you without another healer during the winter months... I could come back and check in from time to time if you want me to."

"Talk" "You" Think