
Lost and Found


05-31-2016, 03:16 PM
gonna need a spark to ignite
Mireya nodded a bit in relief and the two stepped outside into the light, where she could see the man better. His coat was black with a few very vibrant markings, and his eyes glistened like twin rubies now that they were out of the shadows. She chuckled at that, since his name was Shadow. She was a little surprised she remembered that, to be honest. Her mismatched eyes looked up at the wolf before her as he claimed to understand how hard it was losing friends and family. And maybe he really did understand. The little fox did not know what had happened to him, but he really did seem sincere. She nodded at him, warming up a bit and becoming more friendly.

"You're right, I need to move forward," she agreed. "I'm truly sorry for my hostility, but you understand. As little as I am, I have to be wary of bigger, stronger creatures like you." She sighed softly and thought of his words. She did not need his assistance. Not his, specifically. But she did need someone to rely on. Everyone needed someone. You couldn't make it far in this world alone. "Thank you," she said, to let Shadow know she had heard and considered his offer. But for now she thought she had better remain alone. Hold out for the possibility that she might meet another of her kind in this land.