
Site-Wide Discussion


06-14-2013, 06:25 PM
I personally haven't seen many major issues with this, but two things that need to be understood (which have already been covered by others) are:

1. Just like in real life there are going to be people you talk to more than others, it's just a fact. I try to talk to everyone, but there are a few that I am really close with and I seem to have more of a connection with. In the same way, there are people you're going to prefer to roleplay with over others depending on your characters and even your writing style. It doesn't mean one person's in a different group, it just means they happen to be someone you don't write as well with, no big deal.

2. Our cbox moves wicked fast. I mean seriously, half the time I'm writing a reply and people are on a new subject by the time i hit enter. Messages get lost and that can be confused with ignoring, though that's definitely not our intention at all!

3. If you do feel like you're being ignored, say something! But not in a public way that causes drama, PM an admin, that's what we're here for!

Just my two cents. I love everyone here and if you feel like i'm ever ignoring you or offending you, please please let me know because I don't ever wanna do that. <3