
Winter Preperations



10 Years
05-31-2016, 07:03 PM

Silence settled between them and it made Vern close his eyes. Slowing his breathing the male did his best to push back the memories, to lock up the emotions, and to compose himself. Oddly he felt a little better being able to tell her what had happened, to defend the honor of her sister and right the wrong that Z had believed. His tense muscles were able to relax as things settled. Slowly his eyes opened and he looked into the water of the lake, staring at his own reflection and the scars that riddled his face. He had survived for a reason, he was sure of that, but for what reason he was still unsure. He felt better that he was in familiar company and wondered what her current plans were. Would she even want him to tag along with her? He wouldn't know until she said something or if he asked.

Part of him knew that she wouldn't know what to say even though the male felt that there was some sort of reaction from her needed. Though her form of comfort was rather unexpected and at the first light touch from her his muscles tensed. Moving his head slightly his green eyes looked to her, his body relaxed as he watched her nuzzle him. It had been a while since another was even close enough to touch him, but the male found her gentle nuzzle oddly comforting. It was odd how such a gesture from her would comfort him so, but he was thankful for it. Her words also helped him and his eyes fallowed her as she found a soft spot to lay down. She then beckoned him over and for a moment he hesitated, but he was craving more of her comfort and wandered over to lay down beside her. He to was tired of being alone, to have to work twice as hard to just survive. He missed the company of others.

Looking to her the male could easily see how weary she was. He had no idea how much she had traveled or what she had encountered between the attack and now, but she looked worn out. He was sure her meeting with Zeph hadn't made things any better. His ears perked listening to her words. Her words drew his thoughts, trying to think of a solution. What really should she do? Vern tried to draw back to after he parted with his parents, what he did and thought that got him started. Right now both were starting fresh, starting over. She wasn't sue what she wanted to do, she didn't know if she even wanted to be a leader again. What could he say that would help?

"At this point you could do whatever, you could even try from the bottom of your not sure about being a leader again. In all honestly I believe Zeph was wrong in saying your weak and frail. Your were a great leader and still could be, but if your not sure take your time and get yourself built back up again," he said looking to her.

She asked him what his plans were and informed him about an illness other in this land were catching. He lightly nodded his head as he drew his thoughts back to his original plans before he had came across her.

"Well I was thinking of heading further south where winter would hopefully not be as harsh. Find a good territory with shelter, water, and food supply and bed down for the winter. Other then that I really don't know," he replied.

Talking & Thinking
[Image: YhOwDpX.png]