
Shake it off


05-31-2016, 09:02 PM
All she heard was water- no, not just water. Waves. Slowly her senses were coming back to her, the sound of waves crashing against the shore beginning to register in her brain. She felt the warm sun on her fur and for a moment she thought she had just been sleeping on the shore back home like she used to all the time. Then she tried to breathe in and realized how wrong she was. Her breath turned into a gargling cough and her whole body shook as she coughed up the salt water that was burning in her lungs. Her eyes blinked open as she forced herself to roll from her side to her stomach, gasping when she finally got a clean breath of air into her lungs. Where was she? Her gaze was still blurry and she blinked her eyes several times to clear them, looking around at the coast she had ended up on. Flashes of memories started rushing back to her. The storm, the wind, the water... Panic set in and she scrambled to her paws, stumbling several times in the attempt. She turned around to look out over the ocean, seeing the island she used to live on in the far, far distance. It was barely a green speck on the horizon. She couldn't believe it. She sat down heavily on the sand, her white-marked ears falling back against her skull. She didn't understand how she had ended up here and she even more so couldn't understand how she had survived it.