
Prayer Of The Refugee



2 Years
06-01-2016, 07:33 PM
Shadow was rather shocked at Maria's words. Why would he ever think that she was a burden? In fact, he thought of her as more of a friend deep down, but of course he would not tell her that until the time was right. His crimson orbs shown signs of frustration and shock, but he made sure to soften his words when he spoke to the femme. "Listen, you need to think of the more positive things in life. I, on the other hand, have had a hard time on doing that. My mind has been filled with worries and sadness, but I think of you as a friend that has helped me cope with my losses that I have not let go of for some time now." He watched her nudge the carcass over to him as he lied down, tearing away at the flesh of the carcass and gulping it down rather quickly before pushing the small scraps away for the scavengers that came through.

"As for the reason that I had left, was because I wanted to leave and find some place to relax for some time. I would never leave you on purpose, Maria. Believe me when I say these words: you are all I have in this world too. Sure I have met others while I was away, but some as more of acquaintances, nothing more. Maria, you need to keep smiling and keep on being optimistic. If you don't, others will take advantage of you and your emotions. I would know cause I never used to be like what you witnessed me when we first met; pent up and angry, a male taking revenge on the world." He closed his eyes, resting his voice momentarily before continuing. "You have made me happy, my friend." He gave a small smile, his eyes sparkling with kindness now as he gently placed his paw over her own.