
Till I reach the end, then I'll start again



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

06-02-2016, 09:46 AM

Tiburtius wasn't entirely surprised to hear that neither of them had any experience on the subject, but it did make it difficult to decide where to start. He scoffed a little at Razor and gave the boy a grin when he asked if it'd be better to run and gave Bright Moon a reassuring smile when she offered to do her best. "We're starting from the bottom then. Okay, I can work with that." He looked to Razor, saying, "Running isn't the worst option. If you think you can get away or, better yet, if you're close enough to somewhere that you can find help or get to safety then do it." It wasn't the advice he would give normally, but given that Razor wasn't in the best of health and Bright Moon seemed to be quite the timid wolf he would give them that option.

"But! If you can't get away and can't find help, then you'll need to know how to defend yourself. Half the battle is just not getting knocked over. Keeping your feet evenly spaced apart under you, spreading your toes, digging in your claws, and slightly bending your knees will help with that. You and stick your tail straight out as well if you'd like to help your balance, but sometimes it's better to have it tucked under you so your opponent can't grab it. It really just depends on where you are in relation to who you're fighting." He paused there for now. He didn't want to overwhelm them and he wanted to see how they picked up that much information. "Try doing that much and then we'll build from there."

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