
Set Apart this Dream



6 Years
06-14-2013, 09:07 PM

Somethings were easy to predict, like the update on Cairo. It wasn't much of an update, certainly not a substantial one. Cairo was under observation, good. He would be monitored and hopefully his condition would improve. She hadn't seen him since he had gone down but she knew enough to know that her grandfather was still alive. The pack would be restless if they even doubted that.

She announced that there was to be a wedding held for Epiphron and Maverick. Azalea was very happy for her aunt but at the same time she was sad. It had taken one simple meeting for her to become attached to Epi and now she had no more time to spend with her. The Adravendi ex-alpha was now on her way out the door. Amber eyes grew a perplexed look as she realized that she was mentally telling herself, more or less, that Epiphron would be dead. No, it wasn't that bad. She could go visit, surely.

Chrysanthe was speaking again now, handed out ranks. The auburn headed gal sat up straighter, listening intently in hopes to hear what rank she would be given. Warrior? Hunter? Oh, but the names had changed. Soleil, her mother, was clearly a healer, now called a Etas. Most everyone else got ranks given to them as well and her attention was snagged here and there by names that were important to her. Her own name was not called though and it seemed for a minute that Chrysanthe was done giving ranks. It left a blank spot.

Azalea looked at Sarak, confused. He hadn't ranked either. What did this mean? "My heir, will be Azalea." The new leader announced then, and in Azalea's confusion it took her a moment to register that. "What," left her lips just as she made sense of Chrys's words. Heir? Azalea? The runt daughter of Collision Adravendi and Soleil? She was speechless, her eyes meeting Chrysanthe's as she gave her congratulations before finding their way around the crowd. Her fur felt hot and she felt like everyone was staring, maybe they were. She licked her lips, snapping out her shocked haze. "Thank you, Chrysanthe." She said loudly, her look still clearly bewildered.

Suddenly Azalea felt very small. Small in comparison to the job she had been given. It was a very odd but humbling feeling. She was small but suddenly so significant and now she was important to her pack, more or less what she had always wanted. Of course, she had always expected to be important in a much less obvious way. Her eyes scanned the crowd again now, hoping to see Soleil, Collision or Epiphron. She didn't see any of them, all of whom she would love to share her joy with.

"You may let me know here if you're sure - as well as ask anything that may be on your mind. I'm here to lead you, but I'm also here to listen. In or outside of pack meetings." Azalea gave a small nod. The words had not wholly been directed at her but she knew she should talk with Chrysanthe soon. Her eyes wandered once more to Sarak. She needed to find out what he was interested in and make sure that her new friend started to feel involved in the pack. Azalea bumped her shoulder to his with a happy smile, surely doing nothing for his mood but he didn't know the plan hatching out in her mind.
