
A new day


06-04-2016, 12:20 AM

So now we fly ever free

He wasn't paying attention before to his surroundings, his attention mostly consumed by the preening magpie next to him. He huffed with amusement as Winola started to nit pick at a feather that didn't seem to want to be straightened, in return the avian turned a grouchy look towards him, which only made Terin snicker even more. It was when his companion shook her head and continued to preen, that he looked up and actually noticed another wolf had arrived. His ears perked and his tail gave a swish, it's been a bit since he met another canine, well one that didn't immediately want to bite his head off. Or maybe he didn't notice me and will bite my head off if he does...' Terin's eyes narrowed for a moment, before deciding to just 'wing it'. "Grü-- Hello!" He rose from his sitting position and took to rounding the pond to reach the other wolf, his paws skittered the edge of the pond, disturbing it a little. He wasn't aware that the other was searching for fish, and that his upsetting of the calm pond might've scared off any prey. "Hey do you know anywhere to get some decent grub?" Terin wasn't socially adept, he also wasn't one for conversation starters, but he was trying. It was then Winola seemed to have noticed his absence and took to making a perch, atop of his head, much to the grievance of Terin because of her claws. "'Sup." The magpie spoke lamely, which in turn had Terin tipping his head side to side in an attempt to get her to perch elsewhere. It was a failed try and only earned him a wing to the side of the head.

We're free before the thunderstorm