
These Times


06-14-2013, 09:23 PM

"you have no idea what it's like when the monsters of your nightmares come back for you."

Memories of another life, echoed in his mind the bloody screams of the forgotten lingering. Blinding white light flashed before his eyes, and a searing pain ripped through him. Fear oozed from his pours, his legs thrashing wildly, as he lay upon his side. Growls and yips escaped his jaws, throwing insults at the monsters who chased him. Muscles rippled underneath his black coat, as he ran faster then he had ever ran, the well lit meadow ahead of him, a sanctuary from the dark forest that entangled his nightmares. Orbs widened in fear, breath coming in harsh gasps he ran, as the exit to the meadow slowly began closing up. Weeds grabbed at his legs, thorns digging into him, the mud sucking him down, he wasn?t going to make it- he never did. Something leapt upon his back and he came crashing to the ground with a heart-broken howl as the darkness over-took him.

Blue eyes snapped open, the brute leapt to his feet, his breathe coming in wild gasps as he frantically looked around him. Bewildered, he wondered where is was, his head thrashing around as he tried to make sense of the forest around him. Cold winter air, blasted through the trees ripping into his fur, and it hit him like a brick wall. He had been out scouting the lands, and decided to rest under the tall oak tree, and he must have fell asleep. Again, it seemed that he had been made victim of his recurring nightmare. His heart slowed, muscles relaxing slowly. Slowly he sank onto his haunches, tilting his head to look up to the night sky. The stars shined, against the navy blue sky, and a sigh escaped him as he rolled his shoulders back. Why was this happening to him?
