
The Better Side of the Rainbow


06-04-2016, 01:39 AM

The western  pack he had tried to join was a bust. He figured maybe they didn't care for members, or were a failed unit which was possibly why they ignored him. He had waited a good hour, but he wasn't going to keep wasting his time. He wanted a place where he could put himself to good use, and grow with a pack. So in a way, he was glad the western pack had ignored him, it might have been a poor choice to begin with. So instead, he returned to the tropical setting of the east, a place that dearly reminded him of his birth lands. The sun was higher up at this point, but the cloud cover and cool temperature of winter gave him relief.

It took him the better part of a day to find the next pack, but the moment he came across the scent he was curious. The colorful titan carefully made his way to the borders, the mangroves an interesting and very beautiful place for a pack. His hopes rose already, this was his kind of setting. Peaceful, serene, pleasant. With a pounding heart and unwanted nervousness, the titan found a spot a few feet from the borders, and as he gazed with curiosity to the other side, he wondered what kind of pack this would turn out to be. Without further waiting, he called softly for whomever might be nearby.

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