
Don't think twice



6 Years

06-04-2016, 02:20 AM

They had all been relatively quiet on their journey, each of them lost in their own thoughts as they traveled into colder territory, where the land was mostly unfamiliar. She was finally broken from her internal, thoughtful state when Val came close, tossing her a playful grin. Esarosa grinned back at the woman. "You'll see," she said, wagging her tail. Before she could say anything else, Itri arrived, throwing glares all around before he slipped behind her, hiding and pressing into her for warmth. She turned to him with an amused smirk, and leaned toward him to murmur in his ear. "If you keep glaring like that, your face is going to get stuck that way," she said in a low tone, nudging him behind the ear, "At least fake a smile when Avalon shows up; she might let us live here, that way we don't spend the winter on our own." As he seemed to glance over at Valentina with another unfavorable glare, she realized she would have to introduce them, and hope that Itri could at least learn to tolerate her friends. Would it be possible to have them all get along? And where was Steel?

Suddenly she felt the dark-coated, red-eyed male arrive at her side, and she was at once put at ease and distracted from her worried thoughts. She was so glad he had finally made it. Drawn to him instantly, her shoulder found his and she gently leaned into him, the end of her snout nuzzling into his cheek in an unabashed, affectionate greeting. She had wanted to introduce all her friends to each other, but before she could get to it, Avalon had arrived, approaching the group. So, standing close to Steel, Esarosa looked to the sturdy woman that approached them. Her emerald gaze met amber eyes, their gazes equally intense but without hostility. Instead, they would exchange smiles, and Esa would dip her ebony crown to Avalon.

Esarosa nodded as the Alphaess greeted them, stating that it must have been quite the journey. She'd have to agree - the shift from mild weather to something much colder was certainly a shock, and it had felt like a long, long journey. "I'm just so glad we came to the right place," she said with relief in her tone, enthused when she heard word of Dragon, "Yes, these are my friends; we're hoping to have a place to live. This is Steel." She nodded to the man, brushing her shoulder against his, then she looked to Val. "This is Valentina," she said, smiling to her friend, so glad that the red-coated woman had followed her - then she looked to Itri, the boy that had made his way into her heart, just as stubborn and annoying as a sibling, "And this's Itri - he's my little brother." Her emerald orbs shifted to the boy, winking at him; she hoped that he didn't mind her calling him her brother. Now she'd wait on Avalon, hoping they'd all be welcome to join Ivalice - of course, they'd all have to work and find a place within the pack to pull their weight.

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]