
When spring comes



7 Years
Athena I

06-04-2016, 10:38 PM

Zuriel gave a little thoughtful nod when Regulus mentioned needing to find a good Right Wing for when Creed retired. Perhaps one of their siblings would be interested in it when the time came, or maybe one of their other members would prove themselves worthy of it. She trusted his judgement and she was sure he would choose the right wolf for the job. She hoped Creed would be willing to keep his position for a while longer though all the same.

She smiled gratefully at his understanding when he mentioned how quiet she had been lately. She had tried to keep to herself and hide her discontent, but she knew if no one else noticed Regulus would. He was good about that kind of thing. She was incredibly grateful that Regulus was so understanding about all of this. When she had been thinking about how this conversation might go, she had been afraid that she would have to beg and argue her case, but she was lucky enough to have such an understanding and supportive brother.

She had to laugh when he insisted that she won in attractiveness between the two of them, giving him a playful grin and a small nudge in return. "Really though! For the longest time it felt like you were doing so much more and getting all these fancy titles and things like that than I was. I mean, you're the alpha now after all and I'm just a healer. I know I can't really compete with Kavdaya just yet when it comes to knowledge or experience, but it kind of felt like mother didn't really see how hard I was trying." She shrugged, a little smile still on her lips. "But it's okay. I realized I was just looking for something to blame for why I was unhappy. I don't really even care about the titles. Being master healer would be great, but I have some growing to do first."

"Talk" "You" Think