
One Helluva View



4 Years

06-05-2016, 11:44 AM

Peregrine... had probably made a mistake. Climbing the ridge line had been awesome when all she'd wanted was a view of the ocean far on the horizon, but the fjord had drastically steepened and that did not look like a fun fall to the bottom. She sighed and cursed her lack of foresight. She should probably just turn around but she needed to push back into the heart of Boreas to prepare for the spring growth and turning back to travel along the coast for another path due north would cost her a week of travel time at least. The gravel below her right hind paw fell out from under her and plunged down the steep mountainside, clattering into hundreds of even smaller fragments as it went. She gulped and Tsiry reach up to tweak her ear. "What the hell have you gotten us into?" Pere could feel the tension in her voice.

She'd already tried explaining on more than one occasion that they were almost to safe ground, but unfortunately Tsiry stopped believing her two hours ago. What could she say, it was slow going when you had to meticulously watch your every step! Tsiry had stopped caring about that too. "We're-" she began, but was cut off. "If you say we're almost there one more time I'm going to topple us both down to our deaths." Pere paused to look back over her shoulder and gave the lemur a sly glance. She was met with a most stubborn opposition. After a moment's consideration she decided not to test to crazy prosimian. The sun was setting, which meant she needed to give one last push. Her limbs were shaking by the time her upward ascent drew to a close and she pulled herself at last to the crest of the ravine. Panting, she collapsed in a satisfied pile while Tsiry sprung away to sulk for a while. Peregrine caught her breath as the first starts began to twinkle overhead.

"Talk" "You" Think