
{AW} There's no more waiting

Oleander I


4 Years
06-07-2016, 01:40 PM

Cause we're counting on stars

Now this is what they had been looking for all along. Even though it was winter there were still crops that were growing here. They were unruly, nothing holding them in place. Random things grew around, the same plant mixed in a few times. A sprig of thyme there and a few potato plants. It looked as if someone had started a garden here, but it had not been touched in quite some time. Once everything died off, he would he able to tame this unruly place. The earth was obviously well furtilized, otherwise some of these crops would not be here at all. A soft breath left Oleander's lips, he was truly in awe. "Quis hoc fecit initium pulchra paradisi?" he asked a bunch of spinach, brushing the top of his head against its leafy bundle. He sat down near a huge bush of rhubarb, careful to avoid the spiked leaves. Cedar was somewhere behind him, having found a hare munching on some kale. His companions job had always been to keep pests away from the plants, and now that they had found a large garden his instinct must of kicked in. He knew his brother would never be far away, his gray tail swinging on the ground behind him. The jackal would be back in no time, after he had felt like he had done a good enough job.

It wasn't hard for him to decide that this is where he was going to start his own garden. There were already a bunch of things that were growing here wildly, all he had to do was gather some more seeds and till the earth. In a few weeks time he could tame the unruly crops, turn it into a neat and well organized field like back home. "Ego pascam vos et vestrum fac uenias potentia. Non veniet super vos malum, quod ego loquor ad te." Ollie whispered to the plants, his dark teal eyes gazing at them fondly. Yes, this would be their new home.


Oleander speaks Latin, but is fluent in English. Cedar is a black backed jackal and is always with Ollie unless otherwise stated.