
Party Rock Anthem [Festival]



7 Years

06-07-2016, 05:09 PM (This post was last modified: 06-07-2016, 05:10 PM by Bass.)

He hardly heard the call from the east, it was more of a whisper in Abaven lands. He tipped up his head to call to any of his own wolves who wished to come to the festival, before heading off towards the north. He made sure to rub up against any tree he passed to make a stronger scent trail, not wanting any of his wolves to get lost along the way. It was quite the trek up north, but he was excited to see what the new leader had in store. He fell into an easy lope, eating the ground beneath his paws. It wasn't far too long before he got there, and he saw that he was not the first alpha to arrive. He nodded his head to Leo, and saw Riv there as well. Did he know that he was an alpha now? He had heard the call, but he was glad to see that he was still in power. Sometimes packs passed down too quickly for Bass to remember, and it wasn't like he was the best alpha at going from pack to pack to keep tabs on them.

Bass licked his chops as he walked up to Avalon, aiming to bump his head on her shoulder affectionately. They had spoken not too long ago, and he felt like he knew her the best out of all the alphas, except maybe Katja. But she was a secretive woman, he doubted he really even knew a lot about her. Shaking his head, he grinned at the taller woman. "Thanks for the invite! It was starting to get boring in the east," he teased, laughing softly. He took a few paces away from her before settling down, giving her the space to be at the head of the crowd. Rolling his shoulders forward, his ears flickered as he heard a strange sound. Turning his head, he saw a woman with things wrapped around her, and each step she took made a sound. He blinked, his head tilting in confusion. Their gazes met from across the crowd, but she just grinned at him and kept looking around. Hmm, maybe she was looking for someone. Blinking more, he scanned the growing crowd again, looking for some of his members.
