
Silver Bullet to the Heart


06-15-2013, 12:07 AM

Aeil's head snapped back with surprise from the snarl that appeared across the female's lips. She hadn't expected an upfront encounter such as that, but she recovered quickly and allowed her tail to limply wag behind her. With ears perked in curious interest, Aeil answered the stranger's question after a couple of seconds' hesitation. "Aeilanylis," she said, gentle tones ringing with a polite manner. "Though, others I have met call me Aeil." Aeil's blue eyes searched the female's face and lightly spoke again. "I do apologize for popping out like that. I didn't know if you were a male or not, until I caught your scent, that is." A smile appeared across her muzzle, despite the energy she was feeling from the other femme.
The stormy gray fae didn't know what the other was thinking. Aeil didn't read minds, but she knew that if she didn't pose a threat, it would be better for her. By nature, Aeil was a lover rather than a fighter..unless she was cornered. She had never been in a physical fight, let alone a verbal one! Was it because she was smart to avoid drama, or she just hadn't met a wide variety of wolves? In all honesty, she believed it was a little bit of both. She only hoped that this female wouldn't try anything that would result in a bad conflict.
