
i am teaching myself how to be free



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Treat 2019
06-09-2016, 11:27 AM (This post was last modified: 06-09-2016, 11:29 AM by AlfrĂșn.)

Alfrun simply watched with distant unconcern as the border was approached by two of the enemy pack wolves, the one a tall female who spoke at them like they were babies, and the other a boy not terribly much older than they were who demanded to know when they'd become enemies. She blinked at him in confusion. "Always," she tried to explain, but her quiet word was overwhelmed by the others and she was content to let them work it out as they were unexpectedly backed up by the eldest and biggest two of their littermates. She beamed quietly at Raesa and Taufr. It was good that they were well again - it had not felt quite whole without her full litter beside her. This was good. This was as was meant for them.

She watched the swirls of color drifting off the border like fog until Balthezar's caws drew her attention back. "Don't be a silly hatchling, Hrafnar Balthezar," she giggled. "Can you not see the line? They can no more cross it than we can, for it would mean their lives if they sought to threaten us, and with we all watching too." She giggled again, letting her gaze be drawn skyward for a moment before she continued reasonably. "Why would we not be enemies? We have no peace with this pack. They are owed no frith. They compete for our resources. That means they are enemies, doesn't it?"

Her eyes met the tall female's, the vague gaze sharpening knowingly as she cocked her head to the side and smiled a soft guilelessly unafraid smile that laid bare her twisted gums and teeth through the cleft of her lip. Well and even if she were not Odinn's daughter surely she would have no cause to fear this woman, for she was hardly any taller than Alfrun's blood-sire, nor did she have Laufey's striking build. Why, Raesa would probably be almost as tall as her when she finally stopped growing, and burly Taufr was not far behind either. "You do not need to fear us," she added softly as she blinked at them, eyes unfocusing once more to watch the mist envelop the strangers. Such a strange color for a mist, more like the clearest of blue sky had dripped down and become a fog on the borders. "We have yet no cause to give you harm."