
Counting on Hearts



7 Years

06-09-2016, 08:24 PM (This post was last modified: 06-09-2016, 08:29 PM by Bass.)

Bass' head pulled to the side as he looked at her, his ears pulling back slightly when she mentioned that Kata might be mad at her. The woman was a good and reasonable sort, he could only imagine that one would actually have to do something bad to receive her scorn. Avalon, from what he had gathered, seemed like the kind and gentle type, although her size and bulk told him that she was no stranger to fighting. Well, that and the fact that she said she had been sparring with the dark coated woman. It was no secret that Bass thought highly of Katja, while he didn't voice it it made sense, the way he brought her up. He did like her, he enjoyed their talks together. The larger woman went on, saying that she harbored one of their old members. Right away Bass stood up taller, his hackles raising somewhat in alarm. Katja had come to him describing two wolves that Yfir was looking for, one who abandoned post during a raid, and another who went missing. She thought him a spy if he was still alive. Unsure of which wolf she spoke of, Bass' face grew a touch more wary. He didn't know how much information he should tell her about what Kata shared, not wanting to break the little bit of trust that the two of them had. "Katja is a loyal wolf, and from what I can tell loyalty means a lot to her. If one left her pack without a word, I think she would not take that so well. I don't know too much about her packs and customs, but simply vanishing and then joining a pack next door... well doesn't that seem fishy to you?" He asked carefully, trying to allow her to see how he thought the other northern alpha did. He knew that if one of his members just left without saying anything, only to appear at a shared border, he would be awfully suspicious. And Bass knew that she didn't mention anything about her friend disappearing, but from the information he had gathered he could only assume. "I don't think she has any ill intent towards you, but perhaps you should get the full story from your friend. It feels like something is missing from the picture." Bass was careful to test the waters here, not seeking to offend Avalon but simply give her more insight in the manner. He smiled softly, his tail giving an encouraging wag. "I'm sure you could talk to her. Katja is a reasonable wolf, one that I have had the pleasure of talking to many times."

Their next topic took them down a more somber road, and he let out a soft whine as Avalon visibly drooped. She spoke fondly of her family, and he could sympathize with her on so many levels. His own family had left, he hadn't heard from Chord and he had no idea where Rhythm was, or her children. Motif had gone to Auster, and he hadn't heard from her since. His head lowered slightly, his yellow gaze shifting away from her. "Trust me, I know exactly what that's like. Most of my family has gone and I haven't been able to find them, including all my litter mates save one. But from what I saw from your sister, she was okay. Maybe she just went off like you did, being an alpha isn't for everyone you know," Bass said, cutting his gaze back over to her. "I have had a lot of wolves walk out of my life, and it does take some time to heal," his voice was soft, but he cleared his throat quickly. He didn't want to dwell on the sadness in his life, or bring up even more painful memories.

Bass couldn't help but chuckle as his teasing words seemed to pass right over her head, his shaking back and forth slightly. "Avalon, calm down. I was teasing you! you pack sounds great, I am excited to see what you have in store. You will be pretty far away so I better get some updates," he said with a wide grin, his pale tail thumping on the ground. She thanked him, and he just shrugged it away. He liked Avalon, she seemed really eager too. When she asked about mentors he perked, blinking at her slightly. "What exactly did you have in mind? I have several healers, warriors, and a few scouts as well. I could lend you some in return for a favor." He almost winked, but he hardly stopped himself. She didn't get his last joke, he didn't want her to take this one the wrong way.


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