
Lean On

Mercy I


5 Years

06-09-2016, 10:34 PM

Now this is what she had been waiting for. Her eyes rested heavily on him, half lidded as he made his approach. His tongue caressed her cheek, cleaning away bits of meat and blood that still clung to her face. Oops, she was a pretty sloppy eater, wasn't she? A large grin spread across her maw at his comment, a deep growl vibrating in her throat. She urged him on with another wag of her tail, spreading the smell of her heat even further. "Then stop hesitating and get on with the show, then," she growled, more than eager for him to get started. His teeth grazed her skin, too light and soft. It didn't mean that it didn't feel good though, the nip still sending a shiver down her legs. No, she wanted more. Harder, faster. She was growing impatient, her nails biting into the ground. Her purple eyes stayed locked on him as he pressed their chests together. She dug the front of her shoulders into him, grating against his own shoulder blades. Her breath hitched in her throat as he reached behind her, anticipation for his bite making her hackles raise. At last his teeth dug into her flesh, her neck arching backwards as a silent moan left her jaws slacking open. She felt blood pool to the surface, his tongue adding a further sting to the wound. Oh yeah, it. Was. On.

Shoving harder against Gethin, it was like his bite had finally unlocked the demon within her. She lowered her head as a snarl ripped free from her throat. Her head twisted to the side as she grabbed the right side of his neck, her front jaws near his shoulder. She bit in, lavishing the taste of his blood in her mouth. She inhaled sharply, the metallic scent of their own blood rushing into the air. Her paws pressed heavier into the ground, as she let him go and caressed his damaged flesh. Her kisses were sweet and soft, such a contrast to the harshness of her bite only moments ago. A needy whine left her, her elongated tail lashing behind her. It was always more with her, more until they were both heaps on the earth. She wanted to taste every inch of him, to savor everything about him. Breaking off from his chest, she brushed her flank down his, pausing near his hindquarters. With an impish grin she curled around him, her tail tickling against his manhood. Chuckling smoothly, she rubbed against his other side like a cat, lapping at the blood that she had spilled on his neck. Staying pushed up against his side, she kept teasing him with her tail. She knew that she was driving him too close to the breaking point too fast, but she didn't care. Oh how it drove her mental when he snapped, taking her like he was going to die if he didn't. The utter raw passion and want is what she craved, to feel like she could bring them to that point. It made her feel like a goddess. Trying to meet his ruby gaze with her purple ones, she rose a black marked brow. It was his move in this dangerous dance.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.