
Lean On


06-10-2016, 11:42 PM

It was easy to feel so primal with her. All thought was completely gone and he was guided only by his own desires and what he knew Mercy wanted. He'd lay down and roll over if it meant he'd continue to pull these reactions out of her. It was like a drug that he couldn't get enough of. Every shudder that went through her, every time her neck arched, every snarl was intoxicating. His ruby gaze was locked on her as she snarled and shoved herself into him, his claws digging into the soil simply from anticipation. Seconds later he felt that first kiss of her teeth biting into his flesh, making his teeth grit together and a deep growl rumble in his chest. His claws drew lines in the dirt while a shiver danced over his skin, a quiet, shuddering sigh passing his lips as her tongue gently lapped over the wounds. The air was filled with a heady mixture of her scent and the metallic tang of their blood, sending his mind swimming as he breathed it in.

His gaze followed her for as long as he could as she started moving down his body, feeling the whole length of her side pressing to his. Just as she disappeared out of his line of sight completely a jolt went through him from her teasing and a light shudder shook his from, pulling a gasp into his lungs. She knew just how to play him. She was like a musical genius that had just been handed their favorite instrument. She played him with a mastery that still caught him by surprise. He wasn't used to being teased and played with like this just yet, though he kind of hoped he never did. The fact that they both played an active role in this dance made him want her even more and pushed him to drive her just as crazy as she made him. It wasn't hard to figure out why it had only taken one night for him to become completely obsessed with her. His head turned to look at her as she made her way back up his other side, another deep growl leaving him when she continued to tease him unrelentingly.

Her gaze met his and when she raised a brow at him that was all it took to set him off like pulling the trigger on a gun. He was sure she expected him to just climb on top of her immediately, maybe rip up her scruff a bit, and call it a night. Oh no, she was going to get a taste of her own medicine first for teasing him so much. He reached for her with a snarl, reaching with his open jaws for her throat. He wanted to grab ahold of the side of her neck just behind her jaw so that his lower jaw would go right across the tender bend in her throat where her neck met her head. While his upper jaw dug into her neck and filled his mouth with her blood, he squeezed his lower jaw against her throat to cut off her breathing a bit. A deep growl rumbled in his throat as he bit into her skin and her blood coated his tongue. He kept that hold for a few fleeting moments, before he simply couldn't hold himself back from her any longer.

He let go of her neck and gave the wounds he left there a couple quick licks before he made his way to her rump, giving her hip a quick nip before he climbed over her and roughly pulled her body tight to his. His jaws grabbed ahold of her scruff, his fangs immediately sinking into her skin. If he had been in a clearer state of mind he might have been concerned about how much damage he had done to her neck, between the first bite he had given her scruff and then the bite to her throat and now this, but he couldn't pull his own name out of his head much less that. Those were things to worry about and tend to later. For now his only concern was giving her everything she wanted and more. The scent of her heat still flooded his nose and the tang of her blood was heavy on his tongue as he dug his claws into her sides and everything in the world except for his vicious beauty fell away.

- fade -

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