
Counting on Hearts



7 Years

06-10-2016, 11:43 PM (This post was last modified: 06-10-2016, 11:43 PM by Bass.)

He could practically see the gears turning in her mind, and he chewed on the inside of his cheek for a moment. He was nervous that he had been too blunt, said too much about this friend of hers. Had he been wrong in expecting it to help her? He shifted slightly on his front paws, inspecting her features and waiting for something, anything. Had Bass already over stepped the line here? He hoped not, he had been rather enjoying his conversation with her. But when she finally spoke, it was like he had opened her eyes somewhat. He let out a big gust of air, relieve plain to see on his features. The more she spoke, the more he realized just how much information she was trusting him with. If he was a darker wolf, he would be able to take what she had said and twist it to his advantage. But he wasn't, and he was oddly... very happy that she trusted him. It had been quite awhile since he had had a chat like this, even more so with a wolf of the opposite sex. The pale man had started to think that this was Vereux that she was talking about, if it has been Kismit he had a feeling it would not have gone the way it did. Plus, there were no storms the day that she had raided his families pack, from when he could remember. So it was the wolf who left without a word. They had had some bad flooding in the spring, but if the storm was an excuse or reality he did not know. The man sighed softly, a gentle shrug raising his shoulders. "I don't think it's fair to blame yourself, Avalon. Having a conversation is a civil thing, and Katja is a reasonable wolf. It would have been very easy for him to go and talk to her once he returned. She wouldn't have forced him to stay, but I think that speaks a bit about his character," he said slowly, again not trying to offend her. It seemed like the two of them had known each other for awhile. "He had painted a symbol over his eye of her people, that speaks of a strong loyalty. But to not go and talk with her and then join the pack next door... well in my opinion she has every right to be angry. It seems a little off to me, to be honest. I still feel like something is missing from this, or why he just wouldn't go back and say that he was okay and alive. He was assumed dead, Katja came from pack to pack looking for him," Bass bit his lower lip, wondering once more if he had gone too far. "I don't mean to offend you at all, Avalon. I am just speaking my mind. Please let me know if I have crossed some sort of line," Plus he knew that he was repeating himself somewhat, but he couldn't help it. His mind kept going in circles. It would have been so easy to go to Katja, explain that he had been washed away. If he didn't want to be there anymore he was sure that she wouldn't kill him just for that. It was all too easy, which is why he was leaning more towards the other thing that the black wolf had suspected of Vereux; a spy.

Avalon fell silent for a moment, and he allowed her as much time as she needed to gather her thoughts. This was a pretty serious matter that they were talking about, and quite a jump from what she had come here to discuss. He watched as her eyes narrowed, it was clear that she was intently thinking over things. He just sat there, not feeling awkward at all in the silence that had spread between them. It was rather comfortable, actually. Allowing his gaze to wander, he looked past her shoulder and behind his own, simply checking to see if any of his wolves happened to be coming by. They had been sitting here for some time now, but a patrol had not come yet. Oh well, they had a large territory. He wasn't worried at all. The dame spoke then, his head snapping back around to look at her once more. She asked him a question, on how to handle all of this. He drew in a big breath, holding it in his lungs for a moment as he thought. "She's not an evil wolf, I am sure that once things are sorted it will be fine," Kata didn't often ally herself with packs, but him and her were... neutral? They had been allies once, but now she liked to keep a gap between her pack and others. She did trade with them though, and he licked his lips as he thought of the beverages she had once brought his way. Snapping out of his daze, he focused back on the task at hand. "But if it does cause an issue in you pack, it is just one member. Is it worth risking everyone else over a mistake that could have been so easily altered? Vereux needs to mend his own issues, it should not fall to your shoulders," Katja might think less of Avalon for harboring him, but if she had no idea, it really wasn't her issue. The northern alpha could come off as a bit cold, but he didn't see her that way. She was a calculating wolf, she didn't show her emotions too often. It was actually something that he admired about her.

They quickly moved on to better topics, and it felt good to smile again. He couldn't help but chuckle at her stammered words, he guessed that not many alpha's joked about that kind of thing. She joined in his laughing, his own tail swinging on the ground. "You know, it's been a real pleasure talking to you Avalon. I haven't had this much of an in depth conversation with someone for a very long time. And we just met!" Bass said with another deep baritone laugh. She made a comment about being good friends, and the male nodded eagerly. He had the same feeling, it wasn't every day that he connected to another wolf on this level. He suddenly narrowed his eyes, although his teasing gaze did not leave his features. "Are you sure that we haven't met before? Cause I swear we have known each other for ages."

When Avalon asked for a healer, he felt like his heart was being bitten into. He flinched a bit, his ears pinning to his skull. He would have suggested Starling, but he had no idea where his son was. The only healers left were young, or Harmony who was busy enough here. Oh, Vali! He could send her. Perking back up, with only a lingering touch of sadness, he nodded his head. "I could send Vali with you, if she agrees. And starting up a new pack is hard, soon you will find your flow and rhythm. I have taken my ranks and rules and changed them up a few times, I am sure you will too once you feel things out. Like everything else, it takes time," he said, nodding his head knowingly. He didn't comment on why he had gotten upset for a moment, he didn't really want to talk about it.


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