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13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
06-11-2016, 01:49 AM
She had thought long and hard about the conversation she had with Bass. It wasn't all bad things, but it wasn't all good either. She was confused, her mind working nonstop to put together the jigsaw puzzle of a potential mess that her ignorance and naivete had gotten her into. Was she too quick to fall again? Or was she in the right to have chosen who she did? She hoped for the latter. The last thing she wanted to feel was that her heart had guided her down the wrong path. Again. She'd been resting in her den, her belly starting to swell with new life. Sighing, she laid her head on her paws as she thought about it. Her season wasn't until summer! How had she managed to get pregnant right now? While it was true she did want pups again, she was feeling too stressed out to deal with this, running the pack, dealing with her suddenly rebellious kids, and now the new problem that was nagging at her mind.

Groaning, she flopped onto her side as her eyes closed. Only for them to fly open as she heard Vereux howl in the distance. Raising her head, she narrowed her eyes as she pin pointed his call to come from the side that bordered Yfir. Was he calling for Katja? Why did he suddenly decide to do it now? She hadn't even gotten a chance to talk to him about what she and Bass had talked why now? Growling with irritation at this new occurence, she rose to her paws and headed in his direction. The usually calm alphess was confused by this sudden action, and was not at all pleased that he didn't consult her first. She hated when people went behind her back, it showed a lack of trust and clear disrespect, and she hated that.

Her gait was swift, an easy lope as her paws ate the ground. Once Vereux came into view, her gaze locked onto him as she headed straight towards him until she came to a stop a few feet behind. He was still on Ivalice's side of the border, something that Katja wouldn't cross without good reason, right? Narrowing her eyes again, she stared at the man's back. "Vereux, what are you doing." It wasn't even a question, but a demand.


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