
{AW} There's no more waiting



3 Years
Extra large
06-11-2016, 05:24 AM
She couldn't take it any longer, the confinement of Myriad. Two territories weren't enough to keep her satisfied. Her paws were always wandering, and walking from one end of the territory to the other and patrolling the borders just weren't enough for her anymore. She had to go out and see the rest of the world. See new sights, hear new sounds, smell new scents. When the alphess had finished her usual, monotonous patrol of the borders, she was eager to venture out into the unknown, thrill boiling in her veins. She didn't care where she went. She just followed her paws, taking in the sights and smells. The thought itself was exhilarating. Imagine that, exploring! Just like her childhood days. For a while, she forgot all about Myriad. Her pack life ceased to exist. She was no longer a queen, but a rogue traveller, floating from place to place.

Ooh, this place was cool. Green paws slowly traversed the tall grass, feeling the soft earth underneath. The soil had to be pretty good if so many of these towering stalks grew over the plain. If this turf could grow like wildfire, surely herbs could too, right? The plants healers used? She didn't know the first thing when it came to medicinal herbs, though upon her return she planned to tell Armai all about this place. Sure, it was a bit far to be claimed as Myriad's, but perhaps as a small healer's project. Scarlets scanned the horizon. There was some more grass, and some clumps and bushes of other plants. And that weird structure. And that log. Wait a minute, that was no log, it was a wolf! Pelting through the grass, she galloped to the chestnut figure, tongue lolling from her mouth. She let out a bark as she approached him. "Hey!" she called out, almost stepping on the male's plants though quickly apologised. "Sorry, what are you doing here?"