
These Times


06-15-2013, 10:25 AM

"you have no idea what it's like when the monsters of your nightmares come back for you."

Artic cold winds, buffeted his thick black coat, carrying with it the scent of a stranger. Head tilted, turning towards the direction of the scent, those his crystalline blue orbs couldn?t discern where this stranger was, a sigh escaped his maw. He wasn?t particularly in the mood for company, but the gentlemen had never been one to chase off company. Perhaps she was having just a bad of a night? Tail curled around his form, his body relaxed, as he waited for this new wolf to make their appearance known. His mind wandered to the cave that he and his mate had been staying in while they mulled over their pack options, and he wandered how his love was fairing.

He hated leaving her in the cold weather, though his outings rarely took more than a day or two. He wondered what she was up too. Another blast of cold wind brought his mind into the present as the scent of the other wolf again washed over him. Looking up at the stars, he waited, assuming if she sought company or someone to speak with that she?d make the first move.
