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06-13-2016, 12:43 PM

He was really quick to answer, and the woman stood there listening. Her gaze did not waver nor soften, instead it remained narrowed on him as he sought to explain himself. What made him think he would have been a slave? His own fear? She had learned that he seemed to kind of have an overactive imagination. Kind of like...Arian. She shook her head a little, wondering what had suddenly made him change his mind. Why would he wait an entire year? Did he perhaps wait until he was safe and secure behind the walls of a pack border? Or something else? The conversation she had with Bass echoed in her head, and she was struggling to figure out what to do. She had wanted to talk to Vereux, and then talk to Katja to see what was really going on. But here she was. Standing in between.

Ears pinning back, her stance showed clear tension and displeasure. Maybe even some anger as she struggled to hide the confusion in her eyes. "Why didn't you do it sooner? Why didn't you go back if you simply got washed away from your home? Why avoid it for so long? Why not tell the pack you swore loyalty to that you were alive and well?" Questions began to pour from her, she didn't understand anymore. At first, she thought she did. Then she figured that maybe she had just been ignorant then. But now? Her eyes were opening more now that she had a pack, and kids, with more on the way to take care of. What got her though, was the fact that he said he would have been a slave for returning home. Or that if he went to Fiori, he would meet the same fate. Her lips lifted slightly, was he serious? She knew Leo well enough to know that he would not simply condemn nor enslave someone purely out of...whatever Vereux was thinking. And Katja? Well, she wasn't sure. She doubted that it would have been the case if he had just gone back to tell her something, anything. But now, more then likely he was branded as a traitor, a deserter. And she was harboring him next door.

He went on to say that Yfir had given him a home. That he didn't want to cause trouble for Ivalice, but in Avalon's mind, that might have already started the moment they moved in next door and his scent was all over the border. And it seemed to her after he said that if Katja wanted to fight him, would she herself step in? It was a possibility. She had a duty to protect her pack members, after all. But when he said "we" should fight her, a red flag rose in her head. As much as she loved Vereux, and wanted him to be safe and happy, as an alpha, she had a bigger duty to protect the pack as a whole. She didn't struggle this long to create what she'd dreamt of, only to cast it away for something like this. She would not put Ivalice at war for that.

There were so many conflicting thoughts. She wanted more then anything to protect him. But here he stood, staring at the floor after saying all of that. Amber gaze watched him as he said that he didn't want to burden her. Isn't that what he was already doing? She was caught between the spider and the Web. Backed into a corner before she could really talk to either of them without the high amount of stress she was feeling right now. When he asked if he was wrong to do this, she remained quiet for a while. Was he? She was still unsure as to why the sudden want to do it, why now after everything he said before. Finally, she would speak while avoiding his gaze. She knew that if she looked up, she would see the symbol that she recalled Bass saying was a symbol of loyalty he had pledged to Yfir. But in the end, would he ultimately betray her too? "This is your fight now. And you will fight if you need to. I will not fight your battle, even if I wanted too. I think you waited too long though...but I guess we'll find out. I don't however, appreciate that you're hiding behind my borders. You will not fight on Ivalice lands." She didn't know what else to say. She supposed it depended on what he said, otherwise she would wait for Katja to show up and watch what happened. She would not blame katja if the Viking chose to be mad at her, but she would speak and explain what she needed to. She was the alpha after all. After that, whatever happened happened she supposed.


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