
That which you seek



8 Years
06-11-2016, 04:24 PM (This post was last modified: 06-11-2016, 04:25 PM by Solveiga.)
teach me gently how to breathe
This woman was not friendly at all. And frankly, Solveiga did not know how to handle the situation. She had been fortunate enough to encounter relatively nice individuals thus far. But she supposed such a streak could not have continued forever, and she was bound to run into one of the more aggressive types sooner or later. But she really wished it weren't in this canyon, because the dark woman before her did have a point, and she was trapped. Unless she wished to run, of course. And she would run, if for some reason it came to that, but for now she would try her best to see this conversation through. So the girl swallowed hard and struggled to keep her head high and her tail out from between her legs as the stranger basically insulted her. She took a deep breath and tried to keep the any tremor from entering her voice as she replied. "It isn't that," she said. "I know there is darkness in this world, but what kind of life would one be living if they hardened their heart to every stranger they met? No, I think..." Oh, she knew she would be ridiculed for this opinion of hers. But for once in her life she was going to really speak for herself. "I think I would rather live a shorter more optimistic life than a life filled with pessimistic and distrustful years. I know you do not agree with me, but that is your choice and this is mine. I choose compassion over aggression and will always do so."

With that she let out a bit of a sigh, like it was a weight of some kind being lifted from her shoulders. Yet, at the same time, she internally braced herself for the reaction that would surely come from the woman before her. And her words were not exactly welcome ones. Words of horrors, of violence and violation. "No, I'm... I'm not a fool. I know of those things." Solveiga said softly, her mouth twisting just slightly in distaste before she composed herself.