
Together We Stand {Bass Family}



3 Years
06-11-2016, 05:38 PM
Somewhere in the distance a howl rang out. It sounded like it came from beyond Abaven's borders and so for several long moments Pipit remained where he was. He was on the verge of tuning it out, of ignoring it completely because it didn't pertain to him, and then the familiarity of the caller's voice registered and Pipit's ears pricked in interest. His first reaction was surprise -why was only the family being called?- and then a mixture of wariness and worry, a fear for those family members who currently wandered, before he finally settled on what he considered a reasonable medium. Considering the currently fractured state of their family, he shouldn't have been too caught off guard by the call. It was about time for a family meeting. They had plenty to discuss.

After hauling himself to his feet the stout brute shook out his coat and scattered leaf litter and dirt every which way. He stretched, forepaws flung as far forward as he could reach and then after straightening, one at a time snapped out each hind foot for an equally reaching backwards stretch. For reason he couldn't quite place the brute lingered a few more seconds before finally ambling off in the direction of the Nook. Perhaps he was a bit nervous. The last time he'd been summoned for something his mother had reappeared and, per the norm, some of his siblings had felt it necessary to show their displeasure with dramatic displays. He wasn't sure how much more he could take of it, really. Not for one second did they think this family meeting would be any different.


"Dad," he rumbled upon laying eyes on the waiting Destruction patriarch. His gaze darted away as he sought to see if anyone else had arrived. Upon seeing none, he said in a low voice, "I hope all is well." While not a question itself there was no missing the query behind his statement. Was everything alright? Not just in the sense of an emergency, like with what had happened to his sister, but emotionally. Personally. Was Bass alright?