
Change of Scenery



9 Years
Athena I
06-11-2016, 11:27 PM

ooc: Set after Ivalice's festival by a few days. Everyone is required to attend. If anyone isn't posted and isn't currently on absence they will be removed from the roster. Deadline is June 20th! If everyone gets posted before then I'll just reply with Leo again after that. Anyone that's interested in joining Fiori is also welcome to hop in.

Leo padded out past the edge of the mangroves, crossing into the forest that surrounded the large waterfall at the center of this area. As his rich blue gaze looked around at the trees around him he decided that he had made a good decision. Over the past few days since they had returned from the festival that Avalon had held he had been eyeing this territory that was next to the Mangroves. They had passed through it on their way to the north and it had gotten him thinking. When he had originally gone looking for an area to replace the hot springs in his claimed lands he had originally had his sights set on the coast line, but the more he thought about it, the more he wondered if they needed somewhere that couldn't be flooded so easily. The mangroves were already half-flooded all the time as it was. This forested area would give them more huntable land as well. That's why he had spent a good portion of the morning working on placing new scent markers to prepare for this meeting.

He made his way toward the center of the area around the falls, turning to face the way he came so that the mangroves were ahead of him and the falls were at his back. There was a slight incline here as well, giving him a nice place to sit and address the crowd once they had gathered. He lifted his head toward the sky and let out a howl, calling everyone in Fiori to him. The change in their territory was enough of a reason to call a meeting, but he had some other matters to address as well. He settled onto his haunches, his tail brushing away some of the thin layer of snow under him as it curled around him. He looked out through the snow-dusted trees to watch for his pack members. He felt a bit more solemn than usual, but he wasn't upset and that was about all he could ask for. He took a deep breath and let it out in a slow sigh. He knew he'd perk up immediately once other wolves arrived. It was just in these moments of silence and loneliness that his thoughts really bothered him. At the very first signs of anyone approaching his head would turn to look at them, a smile touching his lips.

"Talk" "You" Think