
Change of Scenery



7 Years
06-11-2016, 11:45 PM (This post was last modified: 06-11-2016, 11:45 PM by Amalia.)

She had actually been hunting for herbs in this very area when she heard Leo's howl. Her head snapped up, her paws covered in mud and a bunch of marshmallow in her jaws. She had run out of it when Jayne and Diana had been teething, and had not taken the time to stock up on it again. But why was he calling it here? Had he decided to switch around their home? She hoped it wasn't the mangroves, her den and all her things were there! Silly alpha man, changing things up on them. With a wag of her tiny rabbit like tail, she bounded off towards him, making sure to gather the periwinkle as well. It didn't hurt to grab all she could, just in case a real winter set in. Besides, the cold could be making wolves muscles ache. With that long trek to the north, she had felt it a bit. Oh no, she was getting old! Ama paused, letting out a gasp as she dropped her herbs. No, she couldn't be getting old. That didn't happen. She was going to stay forever young and beautiful. Nodding her head like she had made up her mind, she gathered her things back up and set off for Leo.

Realizing that she was downwind of her sibling, a small grin spread on the tiny female's lips. She was feeling playful, after all she was forever young. Might as well act like it! She dropped into a crouch when she got closer, inching her way towards her orange coloured prey. Wigging her butt in the air, she sprung on his tail and aimed to firmly plant her front paws on the apendage. Dropping her herbs, she bent down and nipped at the base of it, letting out a series of little growls and yips. Much like a pup she refused to let go, letting go with her jaws and sitting on the very tip of his tail. She had picked up her plants on the way back up, and sat on his tail with her head held high.
