
Prayer Of The Refugee


06-12-2016, 08:08 PM
Maria was surprised by Shadow’s words. Think... More positively? She listened to him quietly, taking in all that he said. She felt glad that she had been able to help him cope, that he considered her a friend. She glanced down, letting out a soft sigh as she spoke once more. “Sorry... I know I should... I guess I’m a bit pessimistic when it comes down to it.” Maria felt guilty because of that. She didn’t mean to be pessimistic... It was just... She shook her head. Being alone for so long had done it’s damage to the young healer.

Shadow’s next words helped ease her mind even more. She looked up at him, meeting his gaze just as he set his paw gently over her own. She could feel her heart skip a beat, and for a long moment Maria just stared into those deep crimson eyes. “Shadow...” When she found the will to speak it was his name first. “I... I’m just glad you’re alright. I’m going to keep trying hard... For both of us.” Her smile had returned. “You’ve made me happy too. Just... Don’t do anything too reckless, okay? I only have so many herbs to treat you until spring comes!” Teasingly she leaned in, nudging his nose with her own.

Though it was a playful gesture, it was also a sign of just how much Maria had come to like Shadow in their short amount of time together. Some might have saw her as desperate, and in some respects Maria had been, but she was faithful to the male she now called a friend. She wouldn’t abandon him.