
White Wedding


06-19-2013, 03:13 PM

Nerves were a part of any young wolf's life, though they were fairly foreign to the seracian prince. He wasn't used to being nervous about most things, but he supposed it was normal to be a bit shaky on your wedding day. As the Seracians gathered he felt his nerves fleeing ever so slightly. Being surrounded by familiar faces was reassuring. Loccian commented on his father's question and Maverick gave her a half-smile in response. Words weren't exactly coming as easy as they usually did. Cynrik commented then too, and he gave a smile to the man as well. It seemed they all expected him to be at least a little nervous - that was a relief! He heard Kamala's quip but gave it no response, he was a bit too overwhelmed to engage in the usual sibling banter.

A man strode toward them from the opposite side of the border, a Valhallan - and an older one at that. Could this be Cairo? His blue eyes were similar to Epiphron and Chrysanthe's. His words confirmed his identity as he asked about the man who intended to marry his daughter. Maverick gulped and took a step forward, tail quavering behind him idly. His father introduced him and he gave a respectful dip of his head. There was no need to reiterate what his father had already said. Then came Chrysanthe, with a quick comment about him. He offered her a genuine smile - glad to have someone from Valhalla on his side.

Insomnia came next, offering him a rather subtle greeting - by her own standards. Her compliment was graciously received with a smile. He had taken a lot of time grooming himself for this event and was glad that someone noticed his efforts. More came but offered no specific greeting to him so he only glanced at them placidly. Finally, it came time for his father to speak again and all attention reverted to his sire. In juts moments he would be marrying Epiphron.
