
One Call Away

Finch I


4 Years

06-13-2016, 10:05 PM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2016, 11:11 PM by Finch I.)

Finch wanted to crawl in a hole and die. Civetta landed on his nose and the giant wolf flinched, the smaller woman mirroring this action. She was so embarrassed, heat flushing up to her pale cheeks. He smiled, but still she could not relax. "S-sorry..." she squeaked, a touch of her old stutter returning. So much for being big and brave! She mentally cursed at herself, but her ears perked as he chuckled. Without pause he answered the tiny birds question, saying that most of his family was that tall. Oh, so like all the wolves in Imperium? It had been a pack full of giants, even the pups had been bigger than her when they came to visit and they staged their own fight. Letting out a big breath she found herself relaxing slightly. Civetta seemed awfully pleased with herself, hopping around on Tib's nose like she hadn't a care in the world. Silly bird, she was going to get them in a lot of trouble one day! She just knew that her companion was going to jump on the wrong wolf one day and get swallowed up. She was glad that this giant was gentle, she cared for Civetta and didn't want to see her get eaten.

He said that it was nice to meet her, and the warmth in her cheeks intensified. She glanced away at him, feeling little flutters in her belly. Her ears pinned slightly as her tail thumped on the earth in a soft rhythm. She hummed to herself softly, swaying a bit from side to side as she tried to ignore the funny feelings that filled her up to her nose. She had only ever felt like this with Dart, and that's when she started to hum a bit louder. She felt like that because she had a crush on the fox. But now, now was she crushing on him? Could you like more than one wolf... or fox? This was just all so confusing! She wished her mother had been here to help her through all of this, she was three years old and acting like a pup in love. Snap out of it! She was so focused on tuning out her embarrassing feelings that she didn't realize she had started to sing ever so softly. ""Non andare a caccia di cascate, si prega di attenersi ai fiumi e ai laghi che siete abituati to. So che stai per avere il vostro modo o niente del tutto, ma penso che si sta spostando troppo veloce," her sweet voice filled the air, and it wasn't until Civetta pulled on a few hairs on her forehead that she snapped out of it. She blinked wildly, feeling her companion that had flown off of Tibertius on to her. Realizing what she had done, she slunk down closer to the ground as her whole body flushed. Her ears pinned, and she looked up at the man beside her. "Um..." she whined, her bright blue eyes looking away from him and back to the view. "N-nice place, isn't it? We should explore!" She barked suddenly, a little too loudly in fact. She forgot all about what he had said about wandering, and she rushed to her paws and skittered off.

Not even looking to see if the male had followed her, Finch picked her way down to the waterfall. The cool mist hit her in the face, calming down the flood of emotions that had filled her. She watched the flow of the river cut through the earth, the shore mostly dirt and rocks. The snow still fell, making everything seem more quiet. Looking all the way up, she saw just how tall the waterfall really was. Oh boy, it was a lot bigger than she thought! She was so focused on getting to the top that she didn't even see all of this. Finch trod as close to the edge of the falls as she dared, it was very slippery where the spray of water kept the rocks constantly damp. Finding a mostly dry patch, she sat down and took a few deep breaths. She had just made a complete fool of herself...

Art by KatG6