
One Call Away



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

06-13-2016, 10:44 PM

It seemed that the smaller woman got caught up in her own thoughts since his question went unnoticed as she began to sway and hum. He blinked and watched her curiously, his head tipping slightly to the side, though he wouldn't move his head too much since her little bird friend was still resting on his nose and he didn't want to disturb Civetta. His ears perked a bit when she began to sing in a language that he didn't recognize. His gaze rested on her easily and he felt a smile pulling at his lips at the sound of her voice. He felt strangely enchanted by whatever she was singing and he would have been happy letting her go on forever like that, but he felt Civetta leave his nose and watched her hop back over to Finch. He lunged forward a bit like he was going to try and stop the little bird once he realized what she was going to do, but before he could Civetta brought Finch back to reality and her singing stopped abruptly, looking up at him like she had just experienced the biggest embarrassment ever.

He opened his mouth to assure her that it was fine, but before he could she spouted off something about exploring and turned and ran down around to the bottom of the falls. He blinked with confusion, one brow raising as he tried to process it all. Jeeze, women are confusing. He chuckled softly and got up to follow her down, moving a little less hurriedly than she had. He padded up behind her, settling beside her in the small dry patch she had found. He smiled down at her kindly and he had to keep himself from getting distracted by her pretty blue eyes. "You have a beautiful voice," he told her with a small grin. He had to speak up a little to be heard over the falls now that they were this close to the crashing water, but he didn't mind. He looked to Civetta with a playful glare, adding, "You didn't have to interrupt her, silly bird. I was enjoying it." He chuckled again, bringing his gaze back to Finch's. He tried to ignore those flutters he felt every time he looked at her face as he asked, "What language were you singing in? I've never heard it before."

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