
One Call Away



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

06-14-2016, 12:37 PM

Tiburtius' gaze went back to Civetta as she quickly came to the defense of her actions and he had to smile at the relationship this small bird and Finch seemed to have he definitely caught the part about Finch not singing for just anyone before Finch shook the bird off of her. Not just anyone, huh? His brows lifted curiously. What did that mean? He looked down at Finch to ask, but just at that moment her paw slipped and she fell flat onto the rock they were sitting on. He jumped worriedly and bent down to help her up, blocking her from falling any farther into the river while she scrambled to her paws and skittered backward onto more solid land. His gaze followed her, watching to make sure she was okay. She didn't seem to be hurt though, only startled. He relaxed then when she spoke, only barely hearing her over the crashing water beside him. "You're welcome, Finch."

He followed her gaze with interest when she mentioned the possibility of finding a cave among the many waterfalls that made up the river they were currently standing beside. Whether or not she was right, he was certainly intrigued enough to go on the hunt with her. He got up without hesitation and followed along behind her. He was happy to have someone new to get to know and spend some time with. It helped that she was adorable as well... He blinked at his own thoughts. "Jeeze, Tib, get it together." His gaze met hers as she glanced back to answer his question about the language she had been singing in and he raised his brows and responded with a little, interested "hm!" when she explained that her whole family spoke Italian. He jerked forward again when she began to slip, thinking for a moment that he would have to dive in and help her out of the water if she fell in, but she caught herself and a quiet, relieved sigh passed his lips. He had to wonder if she was always this clumsy and if she was how was she still in one piece?

They continued on for a while and he honestly didn't notice the silence that had settled over them while they searched for a cave behind the waterfalls. He had never been the most talkative of wolves, but he certainly enjoyed conversation when there was some. He was just enjoying spending time with her. When she did speak though he brought his gaze back up to hers and he nodded to her question, a small smile touching his lips. "Three brothers from my litter and then two younger half-sisters." It wasn't the largest family he had ever heard of, but he thought it was quite a lot of children for two women to have. "Half of my brothers are missing though. So it's just me and my brother and our two sisters with us and our mothers right now."

Just as he was about to ask if she had many siblings something seemed to catch her eye and he looked to see what it was, spotting the sparkling rock poking out of the ground. He looked up and watched Civetta as the little bird came to join them, landing just beside it and mentioning that it was one to add to the collection. Watching the two of them made him smile. "It is very pretty," he agreed as he padded over to take a closer look. "Not as pretty as you, but very pretty." Did he really just say that? He glanced up at her with a small, shy grin, chuckling softly at himself.

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