
Andris Derus



8 Years
06-14-2016, 02:12 PM (This post was last modified: 06-14-2016, 05:10 PM by Solveiga.)
If you check out Solveiga's history on her profile, you'll see that her brother Andris plays a big part in her story. In fact, it could be argued that he shaped her into who she is today. The two left home together when they were old enough and traveled around for a while, and Solveiga was very dependent on her brother, for virtually everything. But then one day he left her to find a life of his own, and now I would like him to return, so we can get some good old family drama involved, because everyone loves that!

Since Andris abandoned her, Solveiga has done some growing up, and she is more independent now. She is a very kind soul, but she understandably still holds some resentment toward her brother. Their reunion won't only be a happy one, there will definitely be some feels to be prepared for.

But anyway! I really want Andris to be played, so we can have all of these awesome interactions. Bri and I whipped up a few designs below, in which he is basically a silvery version of Solveiga with dark markings on his legs. I tried it out with a few different eye colors. Feel free to make your own design, I won't be picky about it as long as it looks like the two could be related! xD

design one / design two / design three

[b]Design:[/b] (one of the above or link your own)
[b]Where has he been?:[/b] (tell me what he's been doing this past year, did he find love or a pack like he'd hoped? what went wrong that caused him to finally come looking for Solveiga, did his love leave him or die or did his pack get disbanded, etc? what are his feelings about all of this? that sort of thing)
[b]Personality:[/b] (site minimum please)
[b]Future Plans:[/b] (if you have any I'd love to hear them, it'll help me decide!)

UPDATE: one thing I want to happen soon is Solveiga returning to the place where she and Andris grew up, to check on their mother, and when she gets there she will find that her mother has passed away and Andris was there in her final moments, and he buried her... this will cause more tension between them because Solveiga will not understand why Andris didn't find her earlier and tell her that their mother was ill, so if any of you would like to include this in your "where has he been" and explain what you think his motives or excuses were that would be great, thanks!