
Andris Derus



2 Years
06-14-2016, 02:51 PM (This post was last modified: 06-14-2016, 03:11 PM by Raizen.)
Design: #1

Where has he been?: A while after he left his sister's side, Andris was beginning to doubt his decision to leave his sister behind. He found nothing for a long time, until he stumbled upon her. In his eyes, she was perfect. An angel in every way. With this in mind, he hesitantly approached, and the two had a conversation before she had to go. Andris, desperate to see her again, asked to meet up with her again. He didn't expect it to work at first, but it did. As time passed, the two had a relationship, and it was all Andris could ever ask for.

They were together in a small den, away from any packs. After a night together, things started to go downhill a little. The two argued some, and it resulted in Andris leaving from time to time. Maybe that was the thing he shouldn't have done.

After a particularity bad argument, he left, coming back earlier this time. That's when he found her, curled up against another wolf, snuggled up against him. He was hurt, and possibly allowed that to get the better of him. Without a word, he turned away, leaving the wolf who had caused him such pain once and for all.

Andris is probably the exact opposite of his sister in some things. While she is quieter, he tends to speak more, and possibly can ramble on and on about something. If he says only a few words at a time, then there is something wrong. Around strangers, he tries to remain friendly and outgoing, but he's still a little cautious around them. He's used to being the one making the decisions, instead of just sitting there and saying nothing, so more likely than not this habit will continue.

Over everything else, Andris wants freedom to go where he can, do what he can, see the sights. He's not a pack wolf, as staying in a pack would take some of his freedom. In such an environment, Andris would only become unhappy, wanting to go everywhere. Even the territories with packs upset him slightly, as he cannot get to them without being a member.

Future Plans: Maybe they get into an argument, and Andris hurts her feelings/vice versa? If Andris is the one to hurt her, he'll try and find her after a while to apologize.