
Mortar Siblings



8 Years
06-14-2016, 08:43 PM (This post was last modified: 06-16-2016, 09:32 PM by Solveiga.)
Name: Abigail "Ricochet" Armistice - shortened nickname could be "Ricky"
Gender: Female
Age: 1 year
Height: 40 inches
Pack/Parents: will probably stay rogue for a while, may eventually join a pack if one manages to catch her interest
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Design: I made my own, she too will have bicolored eyes so here is her left side and here is her right side!

Appearance: There is almost nothing about Ricochet to suggest she is female. At first glance, she looks just like her brothers. Like them, she is a large creature, carrying all of 40 inches in her stride. This is a height she is proud of, because it gives her the ability to hold herself above most other wolves, looking down on them in the way she just loves to do. However, where some tall wolves are thin and willowy, Ricochet is nearly the opposite. Her body is strong and solid, wrapped thickly with muscle and cloaked in layers of dense fur. This fur is thickest about her neck and shoulders, giving her an even larger appearance when her hackles are raised during a fight. Her fur is not silky or beautiful, nor does it fall gently over feminine curves. It is only dense and rugged, serving its purpose of guarding her body and keeping her warm. It does not fall over any feminine curves because Ricochet has no feminine curves to speak of. In many ways she is built like a male, and in many ways she behaves like one.

This bulky, masculine frame is wrapped in fur the color of shadow. Like others in her family, Ricochet has a dark and monochromatic coat. However, her coloring does not truly fit with the blacks and grays that some of her brothers possess. Her fur is, rather, a sort of dark and unsaturated navy blue. This color moves across her entire coat in a few different shades, the base color being the darkest of all, a color that in low light could be mistaken for black. Her markings are a lighter shade, starting with the three pointed mask that covers the majority of her face. The lighter color then wraps around the tips of her ears and picks up again between her shoulder blades, covering most of her back and traveling all the way to the tip of her tail. The last place this lighter shade is found is on the lower halves of her hind legs. There are some parts of her coat that are lighter still, these being accents of fur which are scattered throughout, giving her dark fur a more brindled look.

Ricochet may have a fairly bland and colorless coat, but her eyes are another story entirely. They pierce through the shadowy darkness of her fur like two bright stars, mismatched in color. Her left eye is a vibrant orange and her right eye is green, tinged very lightly with yellow.

         Confident - Ricochet is the kind of woman who is unacquainted with fear and doubt. She walks into every situation feeling sure of herself, never shying away from unknown territory and never backing down from a fight. In fact, she often seeks such things just to feel alive. However, some say there is a fine line between brave and foolish, and Ricochet may indeed cross that line from time to time just to get her kick of adrenaline.

         Impulsive - Some wolves like to take a moment to think before they act, or weigh their options when making decisions. With Ricochet, this is never the case, because she prefers to trust her instincts. She hates to think about anything too much, and would much rather just make a decision to get it over with and avoid wasting time. The decision made could turn out to be the wrong one, but so be it. Such things have never bothered her all that much, and she has no problem rolling with the punches.

         Selfish - More than anything else, Ricochet values herself. Most of the time she can't be bothered to worry about another living soul, as long as she has what she wants and what she needs. Put simply, she doesn't have a generous bone in her body. She comes first, every time.

         Vulgar - This is just another trait that drags Ricochet further away from femininity. She has a dirty tongue and swears as if she has years of experience in the craft. Her lack of tact and restraint could very well get her in trouble someday. But, frankly, she doesn't give a shit.

- born offsite to Splinter and Aven
- parents killed in siege, got kidnapped shortly after
- rescued by pack members and brought back home
- grew up, got bored with everything and often came across as annoyed
- secretly enjoyed the drama that circulated around Caliber but became concerned when he was exiled
- decided to follow along after Arsenal, but not to find her brother
- found Boreas and ventured onward, hoping for some excitement

Plans: Right now she's following the rest of the family here to Boreas, mostly to see what new adventures await her. She was bored with her old life and wanted a little excitement, and if she can't find any right away she'll certainly have no problem stirring up a little drama herself, just to feel entertained. Ricochet will definitely want to find her brothers and see what they've been up to, but she'll never admit that it's because she cares about them. I mean, that would be pathetic, right?