
Oh no



10 Years
Athena I
06-14-2016, 10:12 PM

Báine trotted along beside Solveiga, simply just happy to be out and about and doing something with her new friend! When Solveiga asked her to go along on this trip she had been super excited about the idea of getting out of Celestial's lands for a bit and doing some exploring. She hadn't been outside of the plains much at all so this was very, very exciting. She let Solveiga lead the way, just enjoying the scenery in the meantime. She had left her necklace at home, tucked away safe in her den since she knew they would be going to an island and she didn't want to risk accidently having it washed away while they were swimming. She spotted a shoreline in the distance and her tail wagged, giving Solveiga a grin. "Is that the beach we're going to?" She couldn't say she was looking forward to the swim to the island too much since she was sure the water was going to be pretty chilly, but she was sure the island was going to be worth it once they got there.

She dipped her forepaws into the water first, shivering a little as it washed over her forelegs. It was indeed preeeeetty chilly. She hurried into the water, figuring that the faster she got in the quicker she'd adjust, gasping and shivering a little as her whole body got submerged in the salt water. She laughed lightly and looked to make sure Solveiga was there with her before she started swimming in earnest. The island was easy to see and the swim wasn't even really that bad once she got adjusted to the water. She pulled herself onto the sandy beach of the island and shook out her pale coat to get as much of the water as she could out of it. Turning her head to look at Solveiga, she gave her an excited smile, her tail wagging gently behind her. "Now what?"

"Talk" "You" Think