
Vicinity of Obscenity



9 Years
06-15-2016, 02:20 AM

Creed had left Celestial a few days ago in the early morning. Regulus seemed to have settled into his new position in full stride and the aging male was happy to let him. He knew once summer rolled around he'd most likely be retiring. It was hard for him to believe that he'd be eight by the time his next birthday rolled around. The time in his life seemed to have flown by and it left Creed feeling quite dissatisfied with the things he hadn't been able to accomplish yet.

There were things he was proud of though between reuniting with Surreal, joining her pack, and even earning the rank of secondary alpha. Something he'd never thought to achieve in the entirety of his life as it was never anything he'd purposefully sought out. He was fortunate enough to have caught up with two of his cousins and had even found both of his siblings, even if one of them had departed once more. He respected Cross' wishes, and while he missed his sibling, he only wished the best for him.

The only thing Creed truly regretted was his lack of a love life. He'd spent so much of his younger years focusing on other things that by the time he'd settled down he was already behind. He watched Surreal as she was on her third litter and he couldn't help but feel a bit envious. He always enjoyed being around kids and had always dreamed of having his own. He was old fashioned in his ways though and since no one had caught his eye he doubted kids would be in his near future. He was almost getting to be too old anyways.

Not wishing to be wrapped up in his thoughts of what he didn't, and most likely wouldn't, have the fluffy male had set out towards a place he hadn't been to in a while. The last time he'd been near Obsidian beach was when Avalon had claimed her pack in the ruins of Donostrea. A part of him still wondered where the last of the Elementas had disappeared to, but with the scents as stale as they were he doubted he'd ever figure out. Even Locha had vanished on him leaving Creed dumbfounded as to how a family as large of theirs could seemingly just be non-existent.

It was dark by the time he arrived at the beach. The moon hung in full as he approached the beach. It glittered across the black sand causing the granules to sparkle and glitter. He could appreciate the choice of territory when Donostrea had claimed it and the prairie. Of course they now were available for free range so Creed took advantage of it. Like he'd expected, no scents of any of the old Dono members could be found. Deciding here was a good place as any he came to a halt not far from where the waves met the shore and he plopped his rump against the sand and closed his eyes. A chilly breeze blew towards him from the ocean ruffling his fur yet it didn't pierce his coat as harshly as it would if the winter hadn't been so mild. It seemed that, even farther north, it wouldn't be as cold this year. Not that he minded. So long as it wasn't blazing hot he didn't care. At least he wasn't baking in his thick coat like he did in the summer time.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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