
Vicinity of Obscenity



2 Years
06-15-2016, 02:45 AM
navigation: obsidian beach
I could lie, couldn't I, couldn't I?

every thing that kills me makes me feel alive

she had stumbled across this piece of land only briefly once before, but for whatever reason the woman did not stay long. now, she wished she had, for she could had took in the beach under the broad daylight. the night was starless, and the only thing was the moon that cheerfully shone its light upon the ground. her ears twitched to the sound of the flowing waves, and the distance cries of sea birds. yomi crept along the water banks, and with each passing second the sea foams would lick at her wrists as she pressed onward. the aroma of the beach was inevitably mixed with the smell of salt, water, and the freshness of winter. the knowledge of the cold season sent a shiver down her spine as she paused in her steps, and briefly looked out toward the sea.

there was something impossibly lonely about the waters here, unlike that of a creek, a lake, or even a puddle. she couldn't place it upon her mind to describe it, but she could relate. strange really, because she felt connected to a piece of lifeless body (but, it wasn't a husk, it held actual organisms deep within). her pelt began to thicken for the incoming storms winter would bring. still, her body quivered with the coldness of the sand as her paws dug deeper into it. the fine grains shifted deeper into the ground as her legs propelled her forward, the young woman's mind half-submerged in a matter of deep thoughts. she was, however, disappointed that this land held no whatsoever life beyond that of herself.

or...did it? the contrast was stark, even when night reclaimed its kingdom. her perception gave her the image of a wolf, dark in colors, and aged, but nonetheless handsome. at first, the young woman stood there, her heart heavy from hesitation, though her mind told her to go to him. either way, she thought she was close enough to warrant a sign for him to know of her presence, whether it be her scent or a noise. she gulped, and while her cheeks flared with warmth and her heartbeat increased, her legs began to move slowly; gravity had the upper hand this time. "h-hello, oh um, are you here to, um, look?" she asked.