
Vicinity of Obscenity



9 Years
06-15-2016, 03:17 AM

The man sat in his relaxed position for a long time enjoying the wind in his face and the salty sea air. Birds still could be heard occasionally screaming at who knows what, but he paid them no mind. It felt good to be away for a while. He enjoyed Celestial, but he knew the minute he returned he owed Baine a favor. He'd promised the younger girl a trip to one of the packs and he was going to make good on his promise. There were a few he had in mind that were friendly with Celestial and he was sure any of them would be good practice for the new Emissary.

An ear would flick automatically towards the sound of another wolf approaching him. Eyes would slowly open and he turned his gaze to stare at a rather interesting looking character. Part of her pelt was darker while the rest seemed to be silver in the moonlight. Teal eyes would study her noting the hesitance in her steps. Not wishing to feel threatening he offered her a warm smile and a soft tail wag as a greeting hoping it would alleviate any possibilities of nervousness or fear.

"h-hello, oh um, are you here to, um, look?"

A chuckle would work its way softly past his vocals as she spoke. Such an odd way to put it, but she was right nonetheless. He was here to observe, but mostly to relax really. He would have done some star-gazing but, other than the moon, nothing seemed to be out tonight. It still was a beautiful sight regardless.

"Aye, Ah am." He paused for a moment, his eyes slowly drifting back towards the sea. "Wha' lured ye ou' here?" He couldn't help but return the question. He was always curious as to what brought others to travel to different areas. For him it was the allure of adventure and the thrill of a new place. Tonight it was the calming scent of the ocean and the enjoyable scenery of the night and the sea.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: LqRCxUq.png]