
Mortar Siblings



2 Years
06-15-2016, 02:02 PM (This post was last modified: 06-16-2016, 02:00 PM by Raizen.)
Name: Lewis "Arsenal" Armistice
Gender: Male
Age: 1 year
Height: 36 inches
Pack/Parents: Myriad
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Design:  #4
Arsenal is a tall wolf, but he is small compared to his siblings, shorter than some more than others. He's not taller than others of his species, around the same height around as them. Despite appearing short next his siblings, Arsenal is no tiny thing, build wise. He has a stockier build, most likely weighing more than one would believe. His fur is thick, and if he were to be drenched in water, Arsenal would not appear to be as big as he is now. He's still muscular, and he weighs about 170 pounds. Arsenal isn't the most agile creature, or the fastest, having to rely more on his strength and size to win whatever he's doing. He has his strength in both hunting and fighting, but he leans more towards being able to fight.

Arsenal is a dark creature, his grays tinted with blues. The main fur color he has is a dark blue-gray, covering most of him with the exception of his markings. A darker gray tints his fur around his head, going back to his back. Ebony can be found there as well. A marking in the same dark gray appears on his front legs, almost completely symmetrical. Lighter grays can be found around his face, back, and stomach. It wraps around the rest of his fur, making its mark. The tips of his ears are covered in the color, along with the underside of his tail and the inside of his ears. Another gray, not quite as light, can be seen around his palest markings. Ebony can be found near the tip of his tail as well.

Arsenal's eyes are like mismatched gems, both a different color. One eye, his left eye, is a deep sky blue. Flecks of different shades of blues can be found here and there, but only if one looks close enough. Arsenal's right eye is a vibrant golden. The boy's eyes are strange together, but, in the same way, they complete each other.

Arsenal is envious of his siblings, to say the least. To him, he is the smallest, the weakest, the one they need to protect. He resents them, really, for being so tall. And he even resents himself for being the smallest of the family. He's angry towards them most of the time, and tends to snap at them even when they try to interact with him. Arsenal also doesn't like talking about them, and the bitterness in his voice when he does is obvious. Being around smaller wolves make him feel a little stronger, but he still holds lingering feelings of resentment and uselessness.

Arsenal doesn't really care for the company of others, but he will tolerate it if he is forced to. Even if he does such a thing, the annoyance will be obvious. Pups, older wolves, it doesn't matter. If they stay too long, the more annoyed Arsenal will become. Very rarely will the canine not be annoyed by anyone. The one talking to him has to be pretty special to him.

Trust doesn't come easy to Arsenal. Easier than it should, but it will still take a few conversations for him to finally trust one. Even if he trusts him, he still won't particularly like them, and he'll have no problem in telling them such a thing. Arsenal doesn't really care for having friends, after all, as he would have to pretend to not be annoyed by their talking.

Arsenal is a loyal creature to those that don't annoy him. It's a hard goal to reach, but it still may be possible. He isn't going to risk his life for them. It's his mindset that if they get into trouble that bad, he should just leave them to their fate as it will only happen again.

Relationships with Arsenal would reveal a slightly different side of him. He would be more gentle, not minding how much they talked. Really, he would crave whoever it was to talk more. Staying with them would make him happy.

-Born offsite into the Armistice line
-Both parents were killed in the siege
-Snatched by an enemy deserter
-Pack killed the kidnapper and Arsenal rejoined the pack
-Stayed with pack but soon grew annoyed with the other pups
-After Caliber was exiled, Arsenal grew angry and left
-Tried to follow his brother but got lost
-Ended up in a new land

Maybe he gets into some sort of fight with his brother(s)? And leaves after, staying by himself for a while before joining a pack. Whatever happens then is up to what happens Icly