
Vicinity of Obscenity



2 Years
06-15-2016, 06:21 PM
I could lie, couldn't I, couldn't I?

every thing that kills me makes me feel alive

there is something fundamentally wizened about him. well, there always were something about elder wolves that suggested of their wisdom and knowledge. maybe that was why, upon hearing his talk, yomi's body straightened itself, her eyes widened a bit, and her ears were held stiff. she gave all her attention to the bigger, and older, man, and at the same time, a slow curl of anxiety uncoiled itself from her breast. there came no wind, yet she still felt prickles of coldness bleeding through her nervous system. of course he was here to look! what else could he do beyond that? inwardly, yomi reprimanded herself on her silly question, but she was also relieved that the man before her did not say much. the bi-colored female struggled with herself to answer, as her words were, once again, stuck in that strange corner, once again. she thought about the stars, which there were none. she thought about the moon, which there was only one and one that looked the same most of the times. minutes probably passed, with yomi's mouth hung open slightly, ready to let words roll out at any moment. "s-stars, i came to look at them..." she huffed, softly, and briefly took in a breathe. ...but, um, it doesn't look to be that starry tonight, huh?" she laughs, perhaps a bit too loud, or maybe it came out too soft; she doesn't know because her brain only briefly registered it the second she stopped. her heartbeat quickened at the second pause between her first and second sentence, but it was okay now.