
Ohana, Augustus, Ohana



06-15-2013, 04:20 PM

She didn't want to tell him he had more family, just wanted to be selfish and keep him in Seracia, the only thing that had her deceased brother's blood. Was it wrong? Maybe, but how could you be completely mad at the girl. Loccian was disowned as a child for her gender and size, abandoned with a terrible woman, and the only light she had left her for another woman. The next time they met up they came to good terms, were working on their relationship, then he was heartbroken when the woman he wanted went a fucked another man, causing him to decline into darkness and ending up passing. If Augustus was with her, she would make sure that wouldn't happen to him, she would protect him but also give him room to become someone.

A heavy sigh escaped her lip, grey orbs watching him grow excited with the news that he had more family. Yes, he should be happy. He had more family, but wait, she forgot to mention Pontifex. He had two uncles, two aunts and three cousins. Lips moved but before words could be formed he had spoke up. He was asking if he could meet his uncle and his family, that his mother told him good stories and sad ones when she had lost her family. But then he brought up his father.

Ears lay back against her head, head turning to the side, a sad look came upon her face as he called her out on avoiding the question on his father. She knew he wasn't a pup, he was growing, and before they both knew it he would be an adult. He should know the truth about his father but she just couldn't bring herself to tell him, just thinking about it now, after a few weeks had passed, was still causing a stabbing pain in her chest. She would tell him though, and hopefully he wouldn't be too upset that he ran off.

It didn't seem like he was done though, so she would wait till he finished speaking before she told him about Octavian. He wanted to know if it was alright to see his other family before making a decision on where he would stay. She turned her head back to face him, brows coming together but still giving a small nod of her head. They could go there, Thane should know about his nephew. But what he said next brought a small smile, he thought he wanted to stay with her.

I can take you to meet them, but first I think it would be nice to introduce you to another uncle. His name is Pontifex, he is your father's and my brother. She began, tone sweet and light. Her ears remained back through, and whatever smile she had was starting to fade, a pain look in her gaze. I am sorry for trying to brush off your question on your father, I don't think you are a pup. I just... want to protect you. Her voice was soft, shaky, obviously was struggling to keep her composure. Will you promise me something first, before I tell you? I need you to promise you will not run away with the news I'm about to tell you. That you know even if you mother said your father tricked her, he didn't, he loved her very much and never meant for anything bad to happen.

i talk.
i think.
you talk."

Awesome table by Lu <3